2016년 6월 14일 화요일



IAPMO란 국제수전금구협회 혹은 국제연관 및 기계기술자협회(The International Association of Plumbing & Mechanical Officials)로 불리며 배관 및 기계산업 분야에 표준을 제정하는 기구이다. IAPMO 표준은 제품에 따라 적절한 평가기준을 제시하며 이 평가기준에 따라 시험을 적합한 절차에 따라 진행하고 합격했을 경우엔 IAPMO List에 등재할 수 있는 권한이 생긴다. 이렇게 등재된 제품은 IAPMO에 적합한 제품으로 공신력을 얻는다.

IAPMO에서 제공하는 제품분류는 아래와 같다.

- Drinking Water – Toxicity/Additives/Treatment Units
- Electrical (i.e. Whirlpool Bathtubs, Personal Hygiene and Health Care Appliances, Plumbing Accessories, Instant Electric Water Heaters and Water Heating Devices)
- EPA WaterSense
- Food Equipment/Sanitation
- Fuel Gas (i.e. Gas Water Heaters, Fuel Gas Pipes and Fittings, Gas-Fired Patio Heaters, Gas Food Service Equipment, Outdoor Cooking Gas Appliances)
- Low-lead
- Materials and Components (i.e. Plastic Compounds, Aerators, Cartridges)
- Mechanical (i.e. Central AC, Air-Source Heat Pumps, Ventilating Fans, Range Hoods)
- Official Mexican Standards (NOM) for Water Closets, Flush Valves, Fill Valves, Fluxometers, and Showerheads
- Plumbing
- Radiant Products (i.e. In-Floor Heating Systems, General Room Heaters)
- Solar Heating Products (both collectors and systems)
- Swimming Pool (i.e. Suction Fittings, System Skimmers, Swimming Pool Pumps, Filters, Chlorinators, Safety Vacuum Release Systems)
- Water-conveying products for Manufactured Homes/RV

*참고자료 : http://cfile235.uf.daum.net/attach/252CD740575FCB54114B78
*출처 : www.anycerti.com


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