2016년 6월 2일 목요일

작업복 관련 시험기준

작업복 관련 시험기준

-  EN 20811 Textile- Determination of resistance to wear penetration- Hydrostatic pressure test.
 ISO 6330 3A 60℃ Textiles — Domestic washing and drying procedures for textile testing
Before Washing : Over 40,000 pa
After 5 Washing: Over 13,000 pa
-  EN ISO 7854 Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics. Determination of resistance to damage by flexing
After 9000 cycles of Flexing : Over 13,000 pa
-  EN ISO 530 Method 2 Abrasion resistance of protective clothing material
After 1,000cycles of Abraision : Over 13,000 pa

2)    Water Vapur Resistance
-   EN 31092 (2013-01) Textiles - Physiological effects - Measurement of thermal and water-vapour resistance under steady-state conditions (sweating guarded-hotplate test) (ISO 11092:1993 + Amd.1:2012) (includes Amendment :2012)
Min 18 (.Pa /W)

3)    Water Repellecy
-  EN24920 Determination of resistance to surface wetting (spray test) of fabrics

4)    Chromaticity & Luminance Factor
-  EN 471 :2003+A1:2007 High-visibility warning clothing for professional use. Test methods and requirements
(ISO 105 B02-2014) Textiles. Tests for colour fastness. Colour fastness to artificial light: Xenon arc fading lamp test

5)    Limited Flame Spread
-  EN 533:1995 Protective clothing – Protection against heat and flame. Limited flame spread materials and material assemblies.
-  EN533 Index 1 – After testing any remaining flame or any hole in the fabric formed by the flame during testing must not reach the edge of the fabric. There must be no flaming debris. Any afterglow (residual burning) must not spread beyond the area affected by the flame during the test
-  EN ISO10528 Textiles - Commercial laundering procedure for textile fabrics prior to flammability testing / ISO 6330 A 40℃ à EN 533 Index 1

6)    Surface Resistivity
-  EN 1149-1 Protective clothing. Electrostatic properties. Surface resistivity (test methods and requirements)
1.9 X 10.9 Ω

*참고자료: http://cfile228.uf.daum.net/attach/253C7E37575001B71E7B1C


댓글 1개:

  1. It's very useful. Xenon Lamp Weather Resistance Test Chamber, to determine the colorfastness, aging resistance of textiles, plastics, rubber products or materials by objecting to the simulated conditions of nature weather (daylight, rain, temperature, and humidity, etc.). I would like to give you some help, welcome to visit on https://www.testextextile.com/product/water-cooled-light-weather-fastness-tester-tf422/
