2016년 3월 31일 목요일

MA test – 기저귀 품질 시험

MA test – 기저귀 품질 시험

다음은 유아용 성인용 기저귀의 품질을 시험하는 시험방법이다.
Rewet and Acquisition Time for Disposable Baby Diapers
Rewet and Acquisition Time Under Load for Baby Diapers
Product Thickness, Density, and Basis Weight of Hygienic Articles
Gel Lock-Up Determination for Superabsorbent Samples
Centrifuge Retention Capacity for Superabsorbent Samples
Fluid Run-Off Quantification for Baby Diapers
Total Absorptive Capacity for Adult Briefs and Baby Diapers

*참고자료 : http://blogattach.naver.com/891c9521360203b49e721e2c1ff582f75700fd85/20160401_280_blogfile/apnetwork7_1459477776953_iBZ6ms_pdf/APN_%BD%C3%C7%E8%C0%CE%C1%F5_%B1%E2%C0%FA%B1%CD+%BD%C3%C7%E8.pdf?type=attachment
*출처 www.anycerti.com

2016년 3월 30일 수요일

BMW 시험 목록

BMW 시험 목록

BMW 시험목록
Accelerated aging test xenon
Accelerated weathering colour stability
Accelerated weathering colour stability
Accelerated weathering crack resistance
Aging resistance test
Aging resistance test
BMWTS 307.3
Assessment ot the scratch sensitivity of component surfaces
Cass test
Chemical resistance of e-coat, primer surface materials and clear coat systems
Climatic test on plastic and textile components
Climatic test on plastic and textile components
Coatings on plastic parts - Painted plastic parts in exterior and interior - Test certificate
Color measurement and instrumental release of master panels and batch panels
Color measurement on bodies and panels
Condensation water constant atmosphere test
Condensation water constant atmosphere test
Cross hatchtesting
Crosshatch testing
Determination of burning behavior to automotive interior trim materials
Determination of burning behavior to automotive interior trim materials
Determination of burning behavior to automotive interior trim materials
Determination of film tickness at painted plastics parts
Determination of film tickness at painted plastics parts (linoleum-knifemethod)
Determination of multi impact stone chip resistance
Determination of multi-stone chip resistance
Determining the separation of a layer of paint systems multi layers through a single impact test
Emissions measurement in shed chambers. Determination of volatile, organic emissions from samples that do not carry fuelcomonents, semi-finished parts and materials
Evaluation de la surface d'un élément à la rayure.
Evaluation of the surface of a member to scratching.
Front/rear bumper trim
Front/rear bumper trim
Humidity / low-temperature load
Manual abrasion test of motor vehicle interior materials
Measurement of structure and gloss on painted surfaces
Multi-stone chip test with salt water exposure
Paint compatibility of interior parts with sun screen lotion
Reflectometer value (gloss)
Simulation ensolleillement
Simulation ensolleillement
Solar radiation simulation for interior trim components
Solar radiation simulation for interior trim components
Steam jet cleaner test of coatings
Steam jet resistance of coatings
Temperature cycle test
Temperature cycle test
Test area of interior materials. Resistance to cleaning agents
Visual color comparison and metamerism test

*참고자료 : http://blogattach.naver.com/49dc55e5f1a9ad715fbed3e8d5324d3a95c639d4e5/20160330_107_blogfile/apnetwork7_1459330863751_vXeM59_pdf/APN_%BD%C3%C7%E8%C0%CE%C1%F5_BMW+%BD%C3%C7%E8.pdf?type=attachment
*출처 www.anycerti.com

2016년 3월 29일 화요일

MIL-STD-461F EMI/EMC 시험 테이블 정리

MIL-STD-461F EMI/EMC 시험 테이블 정리

MIL-STD-461F, Table IV
전도 노이즈 측정, 전원선, 30 Hz - 10 kHz
                  =              , 10 kHz - 10 MHz 
              =       , 안테나터미널, 10 kHz - 40 GHz
전도내성, 전원선, 30 Hz - 150 kHz
     =     , 안테나 단자, 불요신호차단, 30 Hz - 20 GHz
     =     , 혼변조, 30 Hz - 20 GHz
     =     , 과도신호, 전원선
     =     , 구조전류, 60 Hz - 100 kHz
     =     , 불크케이블 입력, 60 Hz - 100 kHz
     =     , 불크케이블 입력, 임펄스 가진
     =     , 감쇄전류 혼변조, 케이블과 전원선, 10 kHz - 100 MHz
자계 방사 노이즈, 전자기장, 30 Hz - 100 kHz
           =          , 전기장, 10 kHz - 18 GHz
           =          , 안테나 전송 및 수신 조화, 10 kHz - 40 GHz
자계 방사 내성시험, 전자기장, 30 Hz - 100 kHz
            =            , 전기장, 2 MHz - 40 GHz
            =            , 전자기장 혼변조

* 참고자료 : http://cfile216.uf.daum.net/attach/2340173656FA55A9110100
* 참고 : www.anycerti.com


2016년 3월 28일 월요일

MIL-STD 및 환경시험 시험가능 목록

 국방규격 시험  관련 시험 : 2016 3 기준 당사 지원할  있는 시험가능항목 입니다.
Method applied
ASTM D416914;   
DEF STAN 0035, Part 3, Issue 4:2006:   
Chapter 309 Test CL9  Rapid and Explosive Decompression;   
GR63CORE, Issue 1 Paragraph 4.1 and 5.1;   
GR63CORE, Issue 2, 3 Paragraph 4.1.3 and 5.1.3;   
IEC 6072141:2001+A1:03 – Low air pressure;   
IEC 6072142:2001+A1:03 – Low air pressure;   
IEC 6072143:2001+A1:03 – Low air pressure;   
IEC 6072144:2001+A1:03 – Low air pressure;   
IEC 6072147:2001+A1:03 – Low air pressure;   
IEC 60601111;   
IEC 6072132;   
JSS 55555:2000 Rev.3 Test Number 3;   
ISO 10236 Part 9;   
ISO 147081:2000(E);   
MILB49430C (ER) Paragraph 4.8.7;   
MILB49458C (ER) Paragraph 4.7.7;   
MILPRF49471B (CR) Paragraph 4.7.7;   
MILSTD202F Method 105C, Conditions A, B, C, and F;   
MILSTD202G Method 105C, Conditions A, B, C, and F;   
MILSTD810C Method 500.1, Procedures I and II;   
MILSTD810D Method 500.2, Procedures I and II;   
MILSTD810E Method 500.3, Procedures I and II;   
MILSTD810F Method 500.4, Procedures I and II;   
MILSTD810G Method 500.5 Procedures I, II, and III;   
RTCA / DO160D, E, F, G Section 4, Paragraph 4.6.1, Category Ax, Bx, Cx, Dx, Ex, Fx;   
UN Transport of Dangerous Goods, Test T.1
Temperature /
Chapter 311 Test CL11  High Temperature  Low Pressure,   
Chapter 312 Test CL12  Low Temperature  Low Pressure Test,   
Chapter 313 Test CL13  Low Temperature  Low Pressure  High Humidity;   
MILSTD810C Method 504.1, Procedure I;   
MILSTD810D Method 520.0, Procedure I;   
MILSTD810E Method 520.1, Procedure I;   
MILSTD810F Method 520.2, Procedure I;   
MILSTD810G Method 520.3, Procedure I;   
RTCA / DO160D, E, G Section 4
Bench Handling
MILSTD810C Method 516.2, Procedure V;   
MILSTD810D Method 516.3, Procedure VI;   
MILSTD810E Method 516.4, Procedure VI;   
MILSTD810F Method 516.5, Procedure VI;   
MILSTD810G Method 516.6, Procedure VI
Chemical processing
AMS 2404
AMS 2418
AMS 2422
AMS 2425
ASTM B 545

Method applied
Chemical processing
Agreement of VCCI V-3 (2013.04)
Agreement of VCCI V-3 (2014.04)
Agreement of VCCI V-3 (2015.04)
Agreement of VCCl V-3 (2012.04)
ANSI C63 .17 (I 998) and ANSI C63.4 (2003)
ANSI C63.10-2009
ANSI C63.10-2013
ANSI C63.17(2006) and ANSI C63.4 (2003)
ANSI C63.4 (2003) and Millimeter Wave Test Procedures
ANSI C63.4 (2003) with FCC Method - 47 CFR Part 11
ANSI C63.4 (2003) with FCC Method 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart B
ANSI C63.4 (2003) with FCC Method 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart E
ANSI C63.4 (2009) with FCC Method - 47 Part 11.
ANSI C63.4 (2009) with FCC Method 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart B
ANSI C63.4 (2009) with FCC Method 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C
ANSI C63.4 (2009) with FCC Method 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart E
ANSI C63.4 (2014) with FCC Method 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart B
AS/NZS CISPR 11 (2011)
AS/NZS CISPR 22 (2009)
AS/NZS CISPR 22 (2009) +Al (2010)
AS/NZS CISPR 22, 3rd Edition (2006)
AS/NZS CISPR 32:2013
BS EN 61326-2-2 (2006-06)
CISPR 12 (2007) + Al (2009)
CISPR 13, Edition 4.2 (2006-03)
CISPR 32, Ed. 1 (2012-01)
CNS 13438 (2006) (up to 6GHz)
CNS 13439 (20-06)
EN 12895 (2000)
EN 50270 (2006-1 l)
EN 55011 (2009) + Al (2010)
EN 55011; EN 55022 (2006);
EN 55012 (2007) +Al (2009)
EN 55013 (2001) + A l (2003) + A2(2006)
EN 55013:2013
EN 55014-1 (2006) + Al (2009) + A2 (2011)
EN 55015:2013
EN 55022 (1998) + Al(2000) + A2(2003)
EN 55022 (2006) + Al (2007)
EN 55022:2010
EN 55032 (20 12-05)
EN 55103-1 (2009)
EN 55103-1 (2009) +Al (2012)
EN 61000-3-2
Method applied
EN 61000-3-2 (2006)
EN 61000-3-2 (2014)
EN 61000-3-2:2006 + Al:2009 + A2:2009
EN 61000-3-3
EN 61000-3-3, Ed. 2.0 (2008-09)
EN 61000-3-3:2013 (2013-08)
EN 61000-6-3 (2007) +Al (2011)
EN 61000-6-4 (2007)
EN 61000-6-4 (2007) + Al (2011)
EN 61326-2-1 (2006-05)
EN 61326-2-1 (2013)
EN 61326-2-2 (2013)
EN 61326-2-3 (2006-08)
EN 61326-2-3:2013
EN 61326-2-6 (2013)
EN 62040-2:2006
FCC CFR 47 Part 15B, Part 15C (using ANSI C63.4:2003) and Part 18 (using MP-5);
FCC KDB 789033 (June 6, 2014)
FCC KDB 905462 (May 15, 2015)
FCC OST/MP-5 (1986)
ICES-001 (2000-08)
ICES-001; ICES-003;
ICES-003 Issue 4 (2004)
ICES-003 Issue 5 (2012)
ICES-005 Issue 3 (May 2009)
ICES-006 Issue 2 (2009)
IEC 6 1000-3-3 Ed. 3.0 (2013-05)
IEC 60255-26 (2013-05)
IEC 61000-3-11, 1st edition
IEC 61000-3-12 Ed. 2.0 (2011)
IEC 61000-3-2 Ed. 3.2 (2009)
IEC 61000-3-2, Ed. 3.0 (2005) + Al (2008) +A2 (2009)
IEC 61000-3-2, Ed. 4.0 (2014-05)
IEC 61000-3-3 Ed. 2.0 (2008)
IEC 61000-6-4 (2006) +Al (2010)
IEC 61000·6·4 (2006·07)
IEC 61326-1 Ed. 2.0 (2012)
IEC/CISPR 11 Ed. 5 (2009-05)
IEC/CISPR 13, Ed. 5.0 (2009-06)
IEC/CISPR 14-1, Ed. 5.0 (2005) + Al (2008) + A2 (2011)
IEC/CISPR 22 (2008-09)
IEC/ClSPR 11Ed5 (2009-05) +Al(2010)
IEC/EN 61000-3-3 (1995) + Al (2001) + A2 (2005)
IEEE C63. I 7 (2013)
ISO 7637-2, Second edition (2004) + Al (2008)
KN 14-2 (Aru1ex 4) RRA Arulounce 2014-92 (Dec29,2014)
KN 22 (1 to 6 GHz);
KN 30 I 489-1 (Annex 8-1) w/ RRA Announce 2013-24 (6/17/2013)
KN 30 I 489-3 (Annex 8-8) w/ RRA Arulounce 2013-24 (6117/13)
KN 301-489-07 (Arulex 8-2); RRA Announce2012-21,(Jun 28,2012)
KN 301-489-07 (Arulex 8-2); RRA Announce2013-24,(Jun 17,2013)
KN 301-489-24 (Annex 8-4); RRA Announce2012-21 ,(Jun 28,2012)
KN 301-489-27(Arulex 8-14); RRA Announce2012-21 (Jun. 28,2012)
KN 301 489-17 (Annex 8-3) w/ RRA Announce 2013-24 (6/17/13)
KN 301 489-24 (Arulex 8-4) w/ RRA Announce 2013-24 (6/ 17/ 13)
Method applied
KN 301 489-27 (Arulex 8-14) w/ RRA Announce 2013-24 (6/17/13)
KN 32:2013 (Annex 16)
KN 6 1000-6-4 (Annex 15) with RRA Anounce 2013-24 (6/ 17/2013)
KN 61000-3-1 1 (Annex 1-12); RRA 2014-37 (Sept. 23, 2014)
KN 61000-3-12 (Annex 1-11); RRA 2014-37 (Sept 23, 2014)
KN 61000-3-2 (Annex 1-11); RRA 2014-37 (Sept. 23, 2014)
KN 61000-3-3 (Annex 1-12); RRA 2014-37 (Sept. 23, 2014)
KN 61000-6-3 (2012-06)
KN 61000-6-3 (Annex 14) with RRA Announce 2013-24 (6/17/13)
KN 61000-6-4 (2012-06)
KN14-l (Annex 4) with RRA Announce 2013-24 (Jun. 17 2013)
KN22 (Annex 5) with RRA Announce 2012-2 1 (Jun. 28, 2012)
KN22 (Annex 5) with RRA Announce 2013-24 (June 17, 2013)
KNI 1 (Annex2) with RRA Announce 2012-21 (Jun. 28, 2012)
KNl 1(Annex2) with RRA Announce 2013-24 (June 17, 2013)
KNl4-l (Annex 4) with RRA Announce 2012-21 (Jun. 28, 2012)
lEC 61000-6-3 (2006-06)
lEC/CISPR 11, Ed. 4.1 (2004-06) + A2 (2006)
lEC/CISPR 22, Edition 5 (2005) + A1 (2005) + A2 (2006)
MIL-STD-461E/F, Methods RE101, RE102, CE101, CE102;
RRA 20 13-3 and 2013-24, June 17, 2013, Korean only
RRA 2014-8 and RRA 2014-37 (June 23, 2014)
RRA Announce 2012-21, K only (Jun. 28, 2012)
RRA Announce 2013-24, June 17, 2013;Korean onlyRRA Public Notification 2011-24, K only (Dec 23, 2011)
RTCA D0-160G
RTCA/D0-160F (2007)
RTCA/DO-160F, Section 21
SI 961 part 6.1
TCVN 7189:2009
TCVN 7189:2009 (CISPR 22:2006)
TEC 6 1000-6-3 (2006) +Al (2010)
VCCI V-3 (up to 6 GHz);
CISPR 20 (2006) +Al (2013)
EN 50130-4 (1995) + Al(l998) & A2(2003)
EN 50130-4 (2011)
EN 55014-2:1997 +Al (2001) + A2 (2008)
EN 55024 (20 I 0)
EN 55103-2 (2009)
EN 60945 (2002) and JEC 60945 (2002)
EN 61000-4-3 (2006) +Al (2008) + A2 (2010)
EN 61000-6-1 (2007)
EN 61000-6-2 (2005)
EN 61326- 1:20 13
EN 61326-1(2006)
IEC 6 1326-2-6 Ed. 2.0 (2012)
IEC 61000-4-2, Ed. 2.0 (2008-12)
IEC 61000-4-3 Ed. 3.2 (2010)
IEC 61000-4-3, Ed. 3.0 (2006-02) + AI (2007) + A2 (20 I0)
IEC 61000-4-3, Ed. 3.1 (2008-04)
IEC 61000-4-4, Ed. 2.0 + Al (2010)IEC 61000-6-1, 2nd edition (2005-03)
IEC 61000-6-2, Edition 2.0 (2005-0 1)
IEC/CI SPR 24 ( 1997) and EN 55024 (1998) + A l(2001), A2(2003)
IEC/CISPR 14-2 Ed. 1.2 (2008)
IEC/EN 50121-4
IEC/EN 55024

Method applied
IEC/EN 60601-1-2
IEC/EN 61000-4-10
IEC/EN 61000-4-12
IEC/EN 61000-4-13
IEC/EN 61000-4-16
IEC/EN 61000-4-9
IEC/EN 61326-1
IEC/EN/KN 61000-4-11
IEC/EN/KN 61000-4-2
IEC/EN/KN 61000-4-3
IEC/EN/KN 61000-4-4
IEC/EN/KN 61000-4-5
IEC/EN/KN 61000-4-6
IEC/EN/KN 61000-4-8
KN 60601-1-2 (Annex 2), RRA 2012-22, K only (Jun. 28, 2012)
KN 60601-1-2 (Annex 2), RRA 2013-25, K only (Jun. 17, 2013)
KN 61000-6-1(Annex11); RRA Announce 2012-22 (Jun 28, 2012)
KN 61000-6-1(Annex11); RRA Announce 2013-25 (Jun 17, 2013)
KN 61000-6-2 (Annex 14) w/ RRA Announce2013-25 (6/17/13)
KN 61000-6-2(Annex 14); RRA Announce 2012-22 (Jun.28,2012)
MIL-STD-461E/F, Methods CS101, CS106, CS114, CS115, CS116
MIL-STD-461E/F, Methods RS101, RS103
RTCA/DO-160F/160G, Section 15
RTCA/DO-160F/160G, Section 16
RTCA/DO-160F/160G, Section 17
RTCA/DO-160F/160G, Section 18
RTCA/DO-160F/160G, Section 19
RTCA/DO-160F/160G, Section 20
RTCA/DO-160F/160G, Section 22
RTCA/DO-160F/160G, Section 25
Mechanical Shock
ASTM D416914, Schedule J Concentrated Impact (Test Method D6344);
IEC 60068275 – Hammer Tests;
IEC 6072141:2001+A1:03 – Shock;
IEC 6072142:2001+A1:03 – Shock;
IEC 6072143:2001+A1:03 – Shock;
IEC 6072144:2001+A1:03 – Shock;
IEC 6072147:2001+A1:03 – Shock;
IEC 62262 (EN 62262, IK ratings) – Impact;
IEC 68227, IEC 60068227:Test Ea;
IEC 68229, IEC 60068229:Test Eb;
IS 10236 Part 10  Bump, IS 10236 Part 12 – Shock;
ISO 106513 Lung Ventilators Medical Use Part 3 Section 4: Protection against
JEDEC Standard JESD22B104C;
JSS 55555:2000 Rev. 2 Test Number 4, 24;
mechanical hazards;
MILB49430, Paragraph 4.8.5;
MILB49458C (ER), Paragraph 4.7.5;
MILPRF49471B (CR), Paragraph 3.9;
MILSTD1344A Method 2004.1, Conditions A, B, C, E, F, G, H and I;
MILSTD1344A Method 2004.1, Conditions A, B, C, E, F, G, H, and I;
MILSTD202F Method 213B, Conditions A, B, C, D, E, F, G,H, I, J, and K;
MILSTD810C Method 516.2, Procedures I, III, IV, and VI;
MILSTD810D Method 516.3, Procedures I, II, V, and VIII,
MILSTD810E Method 516.4, Procedures I, II, V, and VIII;
MILSTD810F Method 516.5, Procedures I, II, III, V, and VIII;

Method applied
Mechanical Shock
MILSTD810G Method 516.6 Procedures I, II, III, V, and VIII;
MILSTD883A Method 2002.1, Condition A;
MILSTD883E Method 2002.3, Condition A;
MILSTD883F Method 2002.4, Condition A;
MILSTD883G Method 2002.5, Condition A;
MILSTD883H Method 2002.6, Condition A;
MILSTD883J Method 2002.7, Condition A;
RTCA / DO160D Section 7, Paragraphs 7.3.1,, Crash Safety;
RTCA / DO160D, 160E Section 7, Paragraphs 7.2.1, 7.2.2, Operational;
RTCA / DO160E, 160F, 160G Section 7, Paragraphs 7.3.1, 7.3.2, Crash Safety;
UL1642 4ED Rev August 2006, Paragraph 14A
Salt Fog
ASTM B117, B11797, B1172003;
DEF STAN 0035, Part 3, Issue 4:2006 Chapter 402 Test CN2;
GMW 14872;
IEC 68211, Test Ka, Salt Fog, Corrigendum 1999;
IEC 68252, IEC 60068552, Test Kb Salt Fog, Cyclic;
IS 10236 Part 6;
ISO 9227;
JSS 55555:2000 Rev. 2 Test Number 9;
MILC5541E Class: 1A and 3;
MILSTD1344A Method 1001.1, Conditions A, B, C and D;
MILSTD202F Method 101D, Conditions A and B;
MILSTD202G Method 101E, Conditions A and B;
MILSTD810C Method 509.1;
MILSTD810D Method 509.2;
MILSTD810E Method 509.3;
MILSTD810F Method 509.4;
MILSTD810G Method 509.5;
MILSTD883E Method 1009.8, Conditions A, B, C and F;
MILSTD883F Method 1009.8, Conditions A, B, C and F;
MILSTD883G Method 1009.8, Condition A, B, C and F;
MILSTD883H Method 1009.8, Condition A, B, C and F;
MILSTD883J Method 1009.8, Condition A, B, C and F;
RTCA / DO160D, E, F, G Section 14
BS EN 501305:1999 Alarm Systems Part 5: Environmental Test Methods
DEF STAN 0035, Part 3, Issue 4:2006 Chapter 327;
DEF STAN 0035, Part 3, Issue 4:2006 Chapter 328;
IEC 605292001 02, Protection Against Water;
IEC 60529 IPX1 Vertically Dripping;
IEC 60529 IPX2 Dripping (150 tilted);
IEC 60529 IPX3 Spraying;
IEC 60529 IPX4 Splashing;
IEC 60529 IPX5 Jetting;
IEC 60529 IPX6 Powerful Jetting;
IEC 60529 IPX7 Immersion;
IEC 60529 IPX8 Immersion;
IEC 60529 IPX9 Resist Ingress of High Temperature (Steam)/High Pressure
IEC 6072141:2001+A1:03 – Rain;
IEC 6072142:2001+A1:03 – Rain;
IEC 6072143:2001+A1:03 – Rain;
IEC 6072144:2001+A1:03 – Rain;
IEC 6072147:2001+A1:03 – Rain;
IEC 68218, IEC 60068218 Test Rb2;

Method applied
IS 10236 Part 14 – Driving Rain;
JSS 55555:2000 Rev.2 Test Number 11,12,16;
MILSTD108, Splash-proof;
MILSTD108E, Splash-proof Paragraph 4.9;
MILSTD810C Method 506.2, Procedures I and II;
MILSTD810D Method 506.3, Procedures I and II;
MILSTD810E Method 506.4, Procedures I and III;
MILSTD810F Method 506.5, Procedures I and III;
MILSTD810G Method 506.6, Procedures I and III;
RTCA / DO160D,E,F,G Section 10;Water;
Sand & Dust
DEF STAN 0035, Part 3, Issue 4:2006 Chapter 325 Test CL25;
IEC 605292001 COR 1 2003, Degrees of Protection provided by Enclosures (IP Code) Degrees of protection (IPCode), IP5X,6X;
IS 10236 Part 13;
JSS 55555:2000 Rev.2 Test Number 14;
MILSTD810 C, D, E, F, G, Method 510, Procedures I, II and III;
RTCA / DO160 C,D,E,F,G, Section 12, Procedure II
Solar Radiation
ASTM G15412a;
BS EN 501305:11;
BS EN 501305:1999 Alarm Systems Part 5 : Environmental Test Methods;
MILSTD810C, D, E, F, G Method 505.1, Procedure I;
MILSTD810C, D, E, F, G Method 505.1, Procedure II;
IEC 6006825:75; Part 25: Tests  Test Sa;
IEC 6006825:10;
IEC 6072141:2001+A1:03 – Solar Radiation;
IEC 6072142:2001+A1:03 – Solar Radiation;
IEC 6072143:2001+A1:03 – Solar Radiation;
IEC 6072144:2001+A1:03 – Solar Radiation;
IEC 6072147:2001+A1:03 – Solar Radiation;
IS 10236 Part 16;
JSS 55555:2000 Rev.2 Test Number 25
EN 501305 Section 8 Dry Heat (Operational);
EN 501305:1999 Section 8 Dry Heat (Operational);
EN 501305:1999 Section 9 Dry Heat (Endurance);
EN 501305:1999 Section 10 Cold (Operational);
EN 501305:1999 Section 11 Temperature Change (Operational);
ETSI 30001921,2,3,4,5,6,7,8;
GR63CORE, Paragraph, Low Temperature;
GR63CORE, Paragraph, High Temperature;
GR1221CORE, Paragraph 6.2.4, High Temperature;
GR1221CORE, Paragraph 6.2.6, Low Temperature;
GR1221CORE, Paragraph 6.2.7, Thermal Shock;

Method applied
IEC 6821, IEC 6006821, Test Aa, Ab, Ac, and Ad, Low Temperature;
IEC 6822, IEC 6006822, Test Ba, Bb, Bc and Bd, High Temperature;
IEC 68214, IEC 60068214, Test Na, Nb and Nc, Temperature Cycling;
IEC 6072141:2001+A1:03 – Low Temperature;
IEC 6072141:2001+A1:03 – High Temperature;
IEC 6072141:2001+A1:03 – Temperature cycle;
IEC 6072142:2001+A1:03 – Low Temperature;
IEC 6072142:2001+A1:03 – High Temperature;
IEC 6072142:2001+A1:03 – Temperature cycle;
IEC 6072143:2001+A1:03 – Low Temperature;
IEC 6072143:2001+A1:03 – High Temperature;
IEC 6072143:2001+A1:03 – Temperature cycle;
IEC 6072144:2001+A1:03 – Low Temperature;
IEC 6072144:2001+A1:03 – High Temperature;
IEC 6072144:2001+A1:03 – Temperature cycle;
IEC 6072147:2001+A1:03 – Low Temperature;
IEC 6072147:2001+A1:03 – High Temperature;
IEC 6072147:2001+A1:03 – Temperature cycle;
IS 10236 Part 2 – Dry Heat;
IS10236 Part 3 – Cold;
IS 10236 Part 8 – Thermal Shock;
ISO 147081:200 (E);
JSS 55555:2000 Rev. 2 Test Number 13, 20, 22;
MILSTD202F Method 107D, Conditions A, A1, A2, A3, B, B1, B2, B3, F, F1, F2, and F3, Thermal Shock;
MILSTD202G Method 107G, Conditions A, A1, A2, A3, B, B1, B2, B3, F, F1, F2, and F3, Thermal Shock;
MILSTD202F, G Method 108A, High Temperature;
MILSTD810C Method 501.1, Procedure I, High Temperature;
MILSTD810C Method 501.1, Procedure II, Temperature Cycling;
MILSTD810C Method 502.1, Procedure I, II, III Low Temperature;
MILSTD810C Method 503.1, Procedure I, Thermal Shock;
MILSTD810D Method 501.2, Procedure I, II High Temperature;
MILSTD810D Method 502.2, Procedure I, II, III Low Temperature;
MILSTD810D Method 503.2, Procedure I, Thermal Shock;
MILSTD810E Method 501.3, Procedure I, II High Temperature;
MILSTD810E Method 502.3, Procedure I, II Low Temperature;
MILSTD810E Method 502.3, Procedure III, Low Temperature;
MILSTD810E Method 503.3, Procedure I, Thermal Shock;
MILSTD810F Method 501.4, Procedure I, II High Temperature;
MILSTD810F Method 502.4, Procedure I, II, III Low Temperature;
MILSTD810F Method 503.4, Procedure I, II Thermal Shock;
MILSTD810G Method 503.5, Procedure I, II Thermal Shock;
MILSTD810G Method 501.5, Procedure I, II High Temperature;
MILSTD810G Method 502.5, Procedure I, II, III Low Temperature;
MILSTD883E, F, G, H Method 1010.7, Condition A, B, C, and F, Thermal
RTCA / DO160D, E, F, G Section 4 and 5;
TIA/EIA 4554C, High Temperature
Temperature and Humidity
BS EN 501305:1999 Alarm Systems Part 5: Environmental Test Methods;
DEF STAN 0035, Part 3, Issue 4:2006;
EN 501305:1999 Section 12 Damp Heat, Steady State (Operational);
EN 501305:1999 Section 13 Damp Heat (Endurance);

Method applied
Temperature and Humidity
EN 501305:1999 Section 14 Damp Heat Cycling (Operational);
EN 501305:1999 Section 15 Damp Heat Cycling (Endurance);
GM 9123P;
GR63CORE, Issue 1, Paragraph, Humidity;
GR63CORE, Issue 1, 2 and 3, Paragraph 5.1.2, Humidity;
GR1221CORE, Paragraph 6.2.5 and 6.2.8, Humidity;
IEC 6823, Test Ca, Humidity replaced by IEC 60068278;
IEC 68230, IEC 60068230, 3ed 2005, Test Db, Humidity;
IEC 68238 led 1974,Test Z/AD, Humidity;
IEC 60068256, Test Cb, Humidity superseded by IEC 680068278:2001;
IEC 6072141:2001+A1:03 – Humidity/Damp Heat;
IEC 6072142:2001+A1:03 – Humidity/Damp Heat;
IEC 6072143:2001+A1:03 – Humidity/Damp Heat;
IEC 6072144:2001+A1:03 – Humidity/Damp Heat;
IEC 6072147:2001+A1:03 – Humidity/Damp Heat;
IS 10236 Part 4 – Damp Heat;
IS 10236 Part 5 – Damp Hear (Cyclic);
ISTA 1A 2014, ISTA 2A2011, ISTA 3A2008;
JSS 55555:2000 Rev. 2 Test Number 10, 27;
MILSTD202F Method 103B, Conditions A, B, C, and D, Humidity;
MILSTD202F Method 106E, Humidity;
MILSTD202G Method 103B, Conditions A, B, C, and D, Humidity;
MILSTD202G Method 106G, Humidity;
MILSTD810C Method 507.1, Procedures I, II, III, IV, and VI;
MILSTD810D Method 507.2, Procedures I, II, and III;
MILSTD810E Method 507.3, Procedures I, II, and III;
MILSTD810F Method 507.4, Procedure I;
MILSTD810G Method 507.5 Procedures I, and II;
MILSTD883E Method 1004.7;
MILSTD883F Method 1004.7;
MILSTD883G Method 1004.7;
MILSTD883H Method 1004.7;
MILSTD883J Method 1004.7;
MILSTD1344A Method 1002.2, Type I, Conditions A, B, C, and D;
MILSTD1344A Method 1002.2, Type II, and III;
RTCA / DO160C,D,E,F,G Section 6;
TIA/EIA 4555C, Method A, Conditions A, B, C, D and E, Humidity;
TIA/EIA 4555C, Method B and C, Humidity;
ASTM D999, ASTM D99996, D9992001 Method Al, B, C, Sine Vibration;
ASTM D416914;
ASTM D4728, ASTM D472895, D47282006 RandomVibration;
BRB/LU Ltd /RIA SPECIFICATION No 20:1988 (Testing for Railway Vehicles);
GR63CORE, Paragraph 5.4.2, Sine Vibration;
GR63CORE, Paragraph 5.4.3, Sine Vibration;
GR1221CORE, Paragraph 6.2.2, Sine Vibration;
General Motors Engineering Standards GM 9123P;
General Motors Engineering Standards GM 3155;
IEC 6826, IEC 6006826, Test Fc, Sine Vibration;
IEC 68234:73 AMD 1 83, Test Fd, Random Vibration;

Method applied
IEC 68236, Test Fdb, Random vibration superseded by IEC 60068264;
IEC 68264 1993 COR 1 1993, Test Fh, Random Vibration;
IEC 60601111;
IEC 6072141:2001+A1:03 – Sine Vibration;
IEC 6072142:2001+A1:03 – Random Vibration;
IEC 6072142:2001+A1:03 – Sine Vibration;
IEC 6072143:2001+A1:03 – Sine Vibration;
IEC 6072144:2001+A1:03 – Sine Vibration;
IEC 6072147:2001+A1:03 – Random Vibration;
IEC 6072147:2001+A1:03 – Sine Vibration;
IEC 6072132;
IS 10236 Part 11;
ISTA 1A2014, ISTA 2A2011, ISTA 3A2008;
JIS E 3014: 1999 Part of Railway signal – Vibration Test Methods;
JSS 55555:2000 Rev. 2 Test Number 4, 28;
MILB49430, Paragraph 4.8.6, Sine Vibration;
MILB49458C (ER), Paragraph 4.8.6, Sine Vibration;
MILPRF49471B (CR), Paragraph 4.7.6;
MILSTD202F Method 201A, Sine Vibration;
MILSTD202F Method 204D, Test Conditions A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, Sine Vibration;
MILSTD202F Method 214 Condition I, Test Conditions A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, Random Vibration;
MILSTD202F Method 214 Condition II, Test Conditions A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, Random Vibration;
MILSTD202G Method 201 A, Sine Vibration;
MILSTD202G Method 204D, Test Conditions A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, Sine Vibration;
MILSTD202G Method 214 Condition I, Test Conditions A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, Random Vibration;
MILSTD202G Method 214 Condition II, Test Conditions A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, Random Vibration;
MILSTD 167 1A:05  Vibrations of Shipboard Equipment;
MILSTD810C Method 514.2, Procedure I, Curve ARL, Sine Vibration;
MILSTD810C Method 514.2, Procedure 1, Curve B, Sine Vibration;
MILSTD810C Method 514.2, Procedure 1, Curve M, Sine Vibration;
MILSTD810C Method 514.2, Procedure IA, Figure 514.22A, Random Vibration;
MILSTD810C Method 514.2, Procedure IIA, Figure 514.24, Random Vibration;
MILSTD810C Method 514.2, Procedure IIB, Figure 514.24A, Random Vibration;
MILSTD810C Method 514.2, Procedure V, VI, VII,
Figure 514.24A, Sine & Random Vibration;
MILSTD810C Method 514.2, Procedure VIII, Curve V, Sine Vibration;
MILSTD810C Method 514.2, Procedure VIII, Curve W, Sine Vibration;
MILSTD810C Method 514.2, Procedure VIII, Curve Y, Sine Vibration;
MILSTD810D Method 514.3, Category 1, Procedure I, Random Vibration;
MILSTD810D Method 514.3, Category 10, Procedure 1, Sine & Random Vibration;
MILSTD810D Method 514.3, Category 4, 5, 6, 7B, 7C, 8, 9, Procedure I, Random Vibration;

Method applied
MILSTD810D Method 514.3, Category 7A, Procedure IV, Random Vibration;
MILSTD810D Method 519.3, Random Vibration;
MILSTD810E Method 514.4, Category 1, 4, 5, 6, 7B, 7C, 8, 9, Procedure I, Random Vibration;
MILSTD8 I0E Method 514.4, Category 10, Procedure 1, Sine & Random
MILSTD810E Method 514.4, Category 7A, Procedure IV, Random Vibration;
MILSTD8 1OE Method 519.4, Gunfire Vibration;
MILSTD810E Method 521.1;
MILSTD810F Method 514.5 Category 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, Procedure I, Random Vibration;
MILSTD810F Method 514.5, Category 15, 17, 18, 19, Procedure IV, Random Vibration;
MILSTD810F Method 514.5, Category 20, Procedure III, Random Vibration;
MILSTD8 10F Method 514.5, Category 24, Procedure 1, Sine Vibration;
MILSTD810F Method 519.5, Gunfire Vibration;
MILSTD810F Method 521.2;
MILSTD810F Method 528, Shipboard Equipment;
MILSTD810G Method 514.6, Category 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 221, 22, 23, 24, 25, Procedure I, Random Vibration;
MILSTD810G Method 514.6, Category 15, 17, 18, 19, Procedure IV, Random Vibration;
MILSTD810G Method 514.6, Category 20, Procedure III, Random Vibration;
MILSTD810G Method 519.6, Gunfire Vibration;
MILSTD810G Method 521.3;
MILSTD883E, F, G, H, J Method 2005.2, Test Conditions A, B, C, Sine Vibration;
MILSTD883E, F, G, H, J Method 2006.1, Sine Vibration;
MILSTD883E, F, G, H, J Method 2007.2, Test Conditions A, B, C, Sine Vibration;
MILSTD883E, F, G, H, J Method 2026, Condition 1, Test Conditions A, B, C, E, F, G, H, J,K, Random Vibration;
MILSTD883E, F, G, H, J Method 2026, Condition 11, Test Conditions A, B, C, E, F, 0, H, J, K, Random Vibration;
MILSTD I 344A Method 1015, Condition B (Group III) Sine Vibration;
MILSTD I 344A Method 2005.1, Conditions I, II, III, IV, V (A, B, C, D, E, F, G,H, J, K), VI (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K);
RTCA / DO160D Section 8;
RTCA / DO160E Section 8;
RTCA / DO160F Section 8;
RTCA / DO160G Section 8;
TIA/EIA 4551 IB, TIA/EIA 45511C, Condition I, Sine Vibration;
TIA/EIA 4551113, TIA/EIA 45511C, Condition 11, Sine Vibration;
TIA/EIA 4551113, TIA/EIA 45511C, Condition III, Sine Vibration;
TIA/EIA 45511B, TIA/EIA 45511C, Condition IV, Sine Vibration;
TIA/EIA 4551113, TIA/EIA 45511C, Condition IV, Sine Vibration;
TIA/EIA 4551113, TIA/EIA 45511C, Condition VI, Random Vibration;
TIA/EIA 4551 IB, TIA/EIA 45511C, Condition VII, Random Vibration;
TIA/EIA 4551 I C, TIAIEIA 45511C, Condition I, Sine Vibration;
TIA/EIA 45511C, TIA/EIA 45511C, Condition II, Sine Vibration;

Method applied
TIA/EIA 4551 IC, TIA/EIA 45511C, Condition III, Sine Vibration;
TIA/EIA 45511 C, TIA/EIA 45511C, Condition IV, Sine Vibration;
TIA/EIA 45511C, TIA/EIA 45511C, Condition IV, Sine Vibration;
TIA/EIA 4551 1C, TIA/EIA 45511C, Condition VI, Random Vibration;
TIA/EIA 45511C, TIA/EIA 45511C, Condition VII, Random Vibration;
QM333 Paragraph 12.0, Category A, B, C, D, Sine Vibration;
UL1642, Paragraph 15, Sine Vibration;
UN Transport of Dangerous Goods, Test T.2, Sine Vibration;
ISO 106513 Lung Ventilators Medical Use Part 3;
ISO 147081:200 (E), Section 4: Protection against mechanical hazards;
BS EN 50155:2007;
BS EN 61373:1999;
DEFSTD 0035 part 3;
DEFSTD 0035 part 5;
ETSI 30001921, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8;
NATO AECTP400 Edition 3;
BMW Group GS950031;
ASTM D999, Method A1, B, C, Sine Vibration;
ASTM D999, ASTM D99996, D9992001 (Method A1, B, C, Sine Vibration);
ASTM D4728, Random Vibration;
ASTM D4728, ASTM D472895, D47282006 Random Vibration;
EN 50130 Section 22,23 Vibration, Sinusoidal;
EN 50130:1999 Section 22 Vibration, Sinusoidal (Operational);
EN 50130:1999 Section 23 Vibration, Sinusoidal (Endurance);
BS EN 501305:1999 Alarm Systems Part 5 : Environmental Test methods

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