2017년 4월 17일 월요일

ASTM 시험 안내

아래 시험항목에 대해 지원합니다. 각 규격별 시험시료 량 및 기타 시험조건은 별도 상의 바랍니다. 

ASTM C167 Thickness and Density of Blanket or Batt Thermal Insulations
ASTM C173 Air Content-Volumetric Method
ASTM C174 Measuring Thickness of Concrete Elements Using Drilled Concrete Cores
ASTM C177 Steady-State Heat Flux Measurements and Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of the Guarded-Hot-Plate Apparatus
ASTM C183 Sampling and Acceptance of Hydraulic Cement
ASTM C185 Air Content of Hydraulic Cement Mortar
ASTM C192 Making and Curing Concrete Specimens in the Laboratory (requires C173, C231, C138, C143, C136, C127, C128, C566, C1064, C29, C40, C117)
ASTM C203 Breaking Load and Flexural Properties of Block-Type Thermal Insulation
ASTM C209 (Sec. 10) Cellulosic Fiber Insulating Board (Transverse Strength)
ASTM C227 Alkali Reactivity of Cement-Aggregate Combinations (Mortar Bar Method)

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